nano-e & the KT line
メンバー 稲野展司(piano) 山下章(Bass) 南部栄作(Gt) 西村悟志(Dr)
2015年 京浜東北線車内で偶然稲野と山下が再会し、運命を感じバンドを結成。バンド名the KT lineもそこに由来している。
Member Tenji Inano (piano) Akira Yamashita (Bass) Eisaku Nanbu (Gt) Satoshi Nishimura (Dr)
All members are strongly influenced by the STUFF band composed of American studio musicians who played active roles in the '70s and' 80s.
Their sounds are instrumental sounds based on black music such as Blues, Soul / R&B, Funk etc.
They are performing mainly at Yokohama, Japan.